2024-2025 Registration
Online registration for the 2024/25 hockey season is closed! Any registrations recieved after September 1st, 2024 will be pending review and subject to available space on a team roster.
Children born on or before December 31st 2020 are eligible for this season. Note: If your player is not yet 4 years old, a warning pop up will appear during the registration process, please just proceed past this.
Registration Questions?
If you have any questions regarding registration please reach out to to or
2024/2025 Hockey Season Fees

Returning players: $500 ($400 registration + $100 for raffle tickets). $450 if paid in full by September 26th
New to hockey players: $250 ($150 registration + $100 for raffle tickets)

Returning players: $700 ($600 registration + $100 for raffle tickets). $650 if paid in full by September 26th
New to hockey players: $400 ($300 registration fee + $100 for CMHA raffle tickets)

Returning players: $950 ($850 registration + $100 for raffle tickets). $900 if paid in full by September 26th
New to hockey players: $525 ($425 registraiton fee + $100 for CMHA raffle tickets)

Returning players: $1050 ($950 registration fee + $100 for CMHA raffle tickets). $1000 if paid in full by September 26th
New to hockey players: $575 ($475 registration fee + $100 for CMHA raffle tickets)

Returning players: $1050 ($950 registration fee + $100 for CMHA raffle tickets). $1000 if paid in full by September 26th
New to hockey players: $575 ($475 registration fee + $100 for CMHA raffle tickets)
Raffle Tickets

1st place wins $1000
2nd place wins $500
3rd place wins $250
Completed tickets are due back to CMHA in early December 2024. Reminders will be sent to turn your raffle tickets back into your team managers for the final draw.

PLEASE NOTE: Children will not be permitted on ice for the season until at least their ticket money is paid.
Tryouts with Other Associations